Mukukee Lake is located approximately 31Km (19 mi) north of Woman River Camp on South Bay Rd.
You would take your own vehicle to the lake. There is a short walk of less than 50 m (55yds) and then the lake is accessed via a small creek.
This portage was opened in 2008. It is a very beautiful lake, picturesque shoreline and has dark water. There is access to another smaller lake at the south end of the lake.
The lake receives little to no fishing pressure. With the dark water noisy lures should work best with some bright colours.
We use a 14ft boat on the lake, perfect for a couple of adventurous anglers. We send along the outboard, paddles, fuel tank and all the gear with you.
Mukukee Lake is a catch and release lake and has a limit of 40 anglers per year.
Map of Mukukee Lake, Ontario, Canada